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Dear Diary... 22nd June, 2019

Writer's picture: Granny BonnetGranny Bonnet

View from the Garden in Grasmere

It has been a busy June so far for Granny and family. We first enjoyed a lovely week in Grasmere in the Lake District despite the dreary weather. After all, if you have waterproofs and a lovely place to stay, nothing really can dampen the spirits in breath-taking surroundings shared with special friends.

Having been constantly watering parched pots before we left for the Lakes, we returned to a garden that had endured hours of rain and so was now a riot of growth though with so little sunshine, it has taken until this week for our redcurrants to ripen. (Every year I am caught out by the little feathered varmints who steal only redcurrants from our bushes. They leave alone the white and black varieties and it only becomes obvious to me when the remaining fat red berries out-flourish the thieving birds.)

These last few days have been especially busy. I was called on by catering friends to help out at a function and after five hours of preparation, serving and clearing up, felt a little sore in one of my hips. I had a Shiatsu treatment to carry out the next day which involves kneeling and moving about the floor, so was a little concerned that I might aggravate things. However, by the morning, all was back to normal and the treatment went well. It was the second that week but as Shiatsu is as good for the giver as receiver, and I suffered no ill-effects.

We had a good night of bowls practice on Wednesday which should have set me up well for a match yesterday evening but I was a little disappointed with my play. It didn't help that I had managed to slice my thumb at tea-time just before coming out and was hampered by an unravelling sticky-plaster. Excuses I know... All four games were played in good spirit and though my team lost, the others all won and we're looking forward to meeting the opposition again soon.

Of course, yesterday was the Summer Solstice and our elder son and his mate saw in the dawn by swimming in the sea off Sea Palling at 4.30 a.m. I am told the water was 'like a mill-pond' and under a breaking sunny sky was magical. They cooked up hot porridge which they ate on the beach and were back in Norwich by 6.30 a.m. to start their working days.

We of course were still tucked up in our bed at that time of the morning, but did pop out later for our usual trip to Wymondham market for shopping and then to the local garden centre cafe for a lovely relaxed cappuccino and chat with our younger son where we caught up on his family affairs.

It's early yet but today looks very promising. I shall at least get the washing dry outside. Granny likes nothing better than the smell of freshly-laundered clothes off the washing line. We have also got lined up yet another cafe outing prior to catching up with events at Wymondham Music Festival. What a lovely prospect.

Have a nice day!

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