Granny's old mum would have been 107 today if she had lived this long. As it is she was just six months short of her centenary so supposing I follow in her footsteps (as I surely will one way or another), I have another quarter of a century to look forward to.
With that in mind, I set off for a bracing walk to try and ensure that I maintain my current good health, and boy was I in for a shock! Nothing to do with the walking, all to do with the temperature and velocity of the wind. It was blowing fiercely as I left the house and I rapidly changed my proposed route which would have set me in the path of the spitting south-westerly that predominates hereabouts but it was still very cold.
I couldn't help but contrast it to last week when we basked in temperatures in the mid 20's and Granny took to a skirt for the first time this year. Having been distracted on that walk by the glaring white pendulum movements of my little leggies, I treated them when I got back home to some self-bronzing cream which left me in a happier state of mind.
Today though they are hidden once again from view as it's back to skinny-jeans, fleeces, hat and gloves and I may just have to keep them on indoors as Hubby forgot to order heating oil so we have no central heating or hot water until sometime next week.
Have you ever tried a combined hair-wash/shower by juggling saucepans and bowls whilst standing in the bath in the cold? It's certainly a lot nippier (pardon the pun) than wallowing lazily in gallons of hot, sudsy water!